Dr Tamara Pataridze gained her PhD in Oriental Studies (Oriental Languages and Literatures) from the University of Louvain (Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium) in 2012. Her research interest lies in the study of the circulation of the texts and ideas between the Greek, Syriac, Christian Arabic and Georgian manuscripts from Holy Land region. Prior to starting her work in 2020 in Oxford on the collection of oriental manuscripts of Bodleian Library, she conducted her research in different countries and research institutions. She was F.N.R.S researcher at the Centre for Oriental Studies of UCLouvain (Louvain-La-Neuve), Postdoctoral Fellow at The Institute for the Advanced Study & Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies of CEU (Budapest) and the Center for the Study of Christianity of Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Jerusalem). She has contributed to several international research projects, such as Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies [COMST] (Universität Hambourg), The Caucaus in Context, 300-1600 (CEU), GREgORI (UCLouvain), Manumed (Euromed Heritage IV, European Union) and others. She has authored several publications on the issues of cultural and literary connections between the different Christian communities of the Middle-East, on the oriental manuscript collections and Palestino-Sinaitic monastic centres. She has published articles in the journal ‘Digital Philology’.