Anna's research examines the mechanisms of civil nuclear energy integration and cooperation between Russia and the CIS region, with special focus on Belarus, Ukraine, and Armenia. Anna’s research seeks to contribute to the discipline of Area Studies by enhancing our understanding of why contradictory levels of engagement may be present in certain areas in which a near state is perceived as affecting the sovereignty and agency of neighbouring states yet that near state is perceived as a partner for decreasing dependency and increasing agency for the aforementioned neighboring states. Anna graduated with an MSc thesis distinction in Russian and East European Studies at Oxford in 2020, which examined official discourse in the Belarusian-Russian civil nuclear energy relationship, and she has been supporting individuals and organisations in defence and energy strategy such as NATO, Jamestown Foundation, and Wikistrat, and serves as Co-coordinator of the REES Press Group at Oxford. Anna graduated summa cum laude with a B.A. in International Affairs and minor in Russian from the University of Georgia in the USA with two terms of study at Keble College, University of Oxford, during which she conducted fieldwork in the Republic of Georgia on the 2008 Russo-Georgian War.Anna is at St. Antony's College.